Publications and presentations (since 2016)

Motteram, G. (forthcoming) Language materials development in a digital age. In the Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology, 2nd Edn, London: Routledge.

Motteram, G. (2025). Online continuing professional development. In L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli, D. (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.

Motteram, G. & Kwinhangana. F. Code literacy (2025). In L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli, D. (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.

Motteram, G. (2024). Creating and running successful online groups for teacher development. British Council.

Motteram, G. (2024) Improving teacher development through the effective use of social media groups. British Council.

Ivy, T., Mahapatra, S., Motteram, G., Kwihangana, F., & Singh, S. (2023). A Co-constructed Online Professional Development Toolkit for English Language Teachers Working in Resource-constrained Schools in India.

Motteram, G., Dawson, S., Fay, R., Mora, A. & Leoni, F. (2022) Exploring the shaping of English Language Teacher practices while working with refugees and asylum seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In C.N. Giannikas (Ed.) Transferring language learning and teaching from face-to-face to online settings. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI-Global.

Motteram, G. (2021) Developing English language teachers and language teaching in a time of pandemic. In I. Fayed & J. Cummings (Eds.), Teaching in the post COVID-19 era: World education dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis. New York: Springer.

Dawson, S., Mora, A. Motteram, G., Fay, R. & Leoni, F. (2021) Learning from volunteer experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The Teacher Educator Interest Section Newsletter, TESOL International Association.

Motteram, G., Al-Masri, N., Hamouda, H. and Omarali, S. (2020) Exploring Mobile Support for English Language Teachers in a Context of Conflict: Syrian Refugee Teachers in Jordan. In Fassetta, G., Al-Masri, N. and Phipps, A. (Eds.). Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance: Crossing Impassable Borders. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Motteram, G., Dawson, S., & Al-Masri, N. (2020) WhatsApp supported language teacher development: A case study in the Zataari refugee camp. Education and Information Technologies, 1–21.

Thomas, M. & Motteram, G. (2019) Editorial for the special edition commemorating the work of Stephen Bax. System, 83,

Motteram, G. (2019) Video conferencing tools as mediating artefacts in English language teacher development in challenging contexts. The Journal of Educators Online.

Harrison, R., Hutt, I., Thomas-Varcoe, C., Motteram, G., Else, K., Rawlings, B. & Gemmell, I. (2017) A cross-sectional study to describe academics’ confidence, attitudes, and experience of online distance learning in higher education. The Journal of Educators Online, 14(2): 1-9.

Motteram, G. (2017) Distance teacher education. In the TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, TESOL and Wiley International.

Motteram, G. (2017) Language learning and technology: A thirty-year journey. In Son, J-B. & Windeatt, S. (Eds.) Language teacher education and technology: Approaches and practices. London: Bloomsbury.

Motteram, G. (Ed.) (2017) Teaching and technology: Case studies from India. New Delhi, India: The British Council.

Motteram, G. (2016) Membership, belonging, and identity in the twenty-first century. English Language Teaching Journal, 70(2): 150-159.

Motteram, G. (2016) Language materials development in a digital age. In Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology, London: Routledge.

Research reports

Motteram, G., & Dawson, S. (forthcoming) English language teacher education: how changes in teaching and learning have influenced descriptions of teacher competence and their professional practices. London: The British Council.

Motteram, G. (2023) Insights into teachers’ knowledge of and use of British Council resources and professional development opportunities. Ethiopia: The British Council.

Motteram, G. & Dawson, S. (2019) Resilience and language teacher development in challenging contexts: Supporting teachers through social media. London: The British Council.

Motteram, G., Hutcheson, G., Onat-Stelma, Z., Kalambouka, A., Bragg, J. & Choudry, S. (2016) The ReflecteED Report. London: EEF.

Slaouti, D., Motteram, G. and Onat-Stelma, Z. (2008) The Case-Study Report. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2008.

Motteram, G., Onat-Stelma, Z. and Slaouti, D. (2008) Technology in ELT: Survey report. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Presentations, invited presentations and keynotes

19 Apr 2024 & 26 Apr 2024: Online workshops for the British Council, India — Ivy, T., Kwihangana, F.  & Motteram, G. How do we develop a culturally relevant teacher community of practice?

March 2023: British Council Mega-mela, Delhi, India. Ivy, T., Kwihangana, F.  & Motteram, G. Technology in teacher development in low resource contexts

2022: Indonesian Association of Educational Technologists “Reflections on using technology-supported learning in challenging circumstances.”

2022: Policy Dialogue in the Americas and Caribbean: : Inclusive CPD opportunities: mobile and low-tech strategies to tackle educational challenges.

2022: IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group Pre-Conference Event “Developing socially just hybrid learning for language teacher education”.

2021: Liverpool John Moores University “Developing Language Teacher Quality and Resilience in Fragile Contexts through Inquiry-led Practice in Côte d’Ivoire”.

2021: British Council ELTRA Seminar online. “Teacher professional development through WhatsApp-based Communities of Practice in challenging contexts.”

2019: UCLAN, Preston. “Resilience and language teacher development in sub-Saharan Africa: Developing and supporting Communities of Practice through social media.”

2019: WorldCALL Conference, Chile. “Exploring mobile support for English Language Teachers in a context of conflict: The case of informal Syrian refugee teachers in Jordan.”

2019: CARN Conference, Manchester. “Practitioner learning across borders: The case of WhatsApp for teacher professional development in
sub-Saharan Africa.”

2019 TESOL Africa, Presentation in Abuja, Nigeria. “Resilience and language teacher development in challenging contexts: Supporting teachers through social media.”

2019 Manchester Institute of Education LANTERN Conference. “Models of research and practice in language teacher development in sub-Saharan Africa.”

2019 University of Central Lancashire, Global Challenges in Education: Teaching, Research and Policy, “Resilience and language teacher development in sub-Saharan Africa: Developing and supporting Communities of Practice through social media.”

2019 ICT4D North Annual Conference. “Resilience and language teacher development in challenging contexts: Supporting teachers through social media.”

2019: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. “WhatsApp for Teacher Development among Refugee Teachers: The case of Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.”

2018: CARN Conference, Manchester. “Practitioner learning across borders: The case of WhatsApp for teacher professional development in
sub-Saharan Africa.”

2018 IATEFL Conference Presentation, Brighton. “Developing mobile teaching materials for challenging circumstances.”

2018 Paper presented at the Unicollaboration Conference, Krakow, Poland. “A sociocultural analysis of WhatsApp teacher communities in the global south.”

2018 Paper presented at the British Council Conference in Argentina: Language for Resilience. “The role of digital technologies in supporting ELT teacher education in difficult and complex circumstances.”

2017 Invited speaker at the Africa TESOL Conference, Rwanda. “Teaching reading with mobile devices.”

2017 Plenary speaker at the launch of the publication: “Teaching and technology: Case studies from India.”

2014 Plenary speaker at the English to Go Conference, Magdeburg, Germany. “Innovations in Learning Technologies.”

2014 DfID Seminar, London on the impact of technology on teaching and learning. Seminar panelist.

2014 Keynote at the policy seminar on Education, Technology and Women in Dhaka, Bangladesh. “Socially just practice in the use of learning technologies in language learning and teacher education.”

2014 Plenary speaker at the Results Annual Conference in London. “Delivering education in an ever-changing world.”